8 Simple Tips on Managing Anger

Managing Anger: Did someone overtake you on a busy street? Or the person walking in front of you is slow? Did your boss disapprove your leave, or your dad said “no” to the fancy dinner – if you have an anger issue, you would never know what can possibly trigger the aggression? Anger is a healthy emotion and a common one however some of us find it tough to manage. If you are one that kind of a person who finds it difficult to manage the anger, then here are the simple tips to help you out!
- Count 1 to 10
Every time the anger hits you hard take a momentarily pause and count 1 to 10. Often diverting the mind for a moment from the triggering point can help in a lot many ways. So, keep calm and start counting, it will help you. - Drink water
Water definitely has a soothing effect on the body. In the moments of anger drink as much water as you can. It helps you calm down and think straight before acting on anything. - Go to humour
Nothing beats anger better than a few doses of laughter. When it seems like you are not able to control your temper, watch an episode of your favourite show or think about an incident that makes your laugh always. - Music therapy
Music works wonderfully well especially when there is an outburst of emotion. Whether you are feeling angry or sad, turn on to a happy beat & you will enjoy gradually forget the anger. So switch on to the song you absolutely enjoy and maybe dance a little too! - Do some self-talk
Self-talk is underrated and at times at can be therapeutical. Call yourself out for being angry and address why exactly are you angry. Describe how is it making you feel & what are the things that can make you feel good at the moment. - Think of solutions
A lot of time anger arises because we keep on thinking about the issue instead of inducing solution-oriented thinking. Try to shift your focus from problem to solution. You will certainly find yourself thinking straight & constructive within a minute. - Just pause
Often any action done in anger comes with repercussions. Therefore, the moment you know that you are angry at something to think and pause a little before reacting. Remember, an immediate reaction to anything in anger may leave long term effects on the person you are dealing with. - Exercise
One of the best ways to deal with anger is to get going with physical activity like exercise. Run or jump, just put all your anger together at that physical activity. If you find that it is still now helping, go for a walk. Strolling past nature helps in calming down.
If you think these tips are not that helpful, then certainly visiting an expert and taking His/her help is a solution to your anger.
Source: General News Blog