Best Universities to Study in Dubai

Dubai, with the largest population in UAE,incredible diversity of people, culture and nature, numerous towering skyscrapers, impressive modern convenience and strong international understanding, where all coexists together with the traditional Arab values,cultures and customs and its famous souks.
For students wish to study here, also be interested to know that there are 5 public and 58 private colleges and universities. Additionally, year-round sunshine, thousands of fellow international students, thriving night-life with varieties and choices and numerous student facilities like Dubai International Academic City (DIAC), a purpose-built free trade zone for the tertiary academic institutions.
Dubai’s education system, as a whole follows that of UAE, but unique in catering a difference range, in higher education system including American, British, French, German, Canadian,Australian, Indian, Pakistani, Filipino, Russian, and the UAE. Though US, UK and International Baccalaureate curricula are taught in English, but Arabic language classes are must for students of non-Arabic heritage. Islamic studies are compulsory for Muslim and Arab students. In public universities the instruction medium is Arabic with English as second language but in private it emphasizes on English.
The government ministry concern with highereducation is Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research (MOHESR),institution licensing and accrediting of degree programs are done by Commission for Academic Accreditation (CAA) and the regulatory authority Knowledge and Human Development Authority (KHDA), which carries out the quality assurance of education in Dubai. International students, who wish to work overseas after graduation, must make sure, their chosen institution provide internationally recognized accreditations. Popular subjects chosen by the international students are architecture, business administration, computing, design, energy,engineering, finance, international relations and tourism. The universities here are categorized as local university (founded and based in Dubai) or a branch campus (founded in another country, with a campus in Dubai).
UniRank, publish in 2018 Dubai University Ranking, 35 recognized Dubai’s higher-education institutions, meeting the following selection criteria of them:
- charted, licensed and/or accredited by Emirati higher-education related organization
- offers at least 4-yearunder-graduate or post-graduate degrees
- course delivery predominantly in a traditional, face-to-face, non-distance education format
The top universities of Dubai are selected based on valid, unbiased and non-influence able web matrices, that are provided by independent web intelligence sources and not data submitted by the universities themselves. The list of top 5 universities based on these ranking systems areas follows:
- Zayed University (ZU): Founded in 1998, is a non-profit public higher institution. It has a branch campus in Abu Dhabi.
- American University in Dubai(AUD): Established in 1995, is a for profit, private higher-education institution.
- University of Wollongong in Dubai (UOWD): Established in 1993, is a non-profit, private higher-education institution.
- American University in the Emirates (AUE): Established in 2006, is a non-profit, private higher-education institution.
- Canadian University of Dubai(CUD): Established in 2006, is a private higher-education institution.
All these institutes are accredited byMinistry of Education UAE and their courses and programs are officially recognized as higher-education degrees. International students are applicable to apply and all are coeducational.
Yes, UAEU is one of the top universities in the Middle East which also ranks 5th in Arab region. The only university which has been recognized for having 9 different colleges ranging from business administration, engineering, food, literature and language,etc.
Furthermore it is also ranked in the top 5 universities in Abu Dhabi.