Building a Strong Brand Identity Through Web Design
Business owners always have to face the challenges modern day presents to them. They have to stay relevant and put down the traditional ways of marketing by starting to utilize the modern tools all people commonly access, websites.

Making a website alone is actually a pretty simple process, especially if you know a thing or two about coding. Even if you don’t have prior knowledge, you can always check the internet and follow the guides provided.
What’s more difficult and complex is creating a distinguishable brand identity. What should you do to make people remember about your brand when accessing the website? Is it about the color? Picture choices? Or probably all of them?
Check the answer below!
About Website Templates
When scrolling the internet, there’s a chance you’ll meet something called a website builder. Yes, these tools do exactly what you might have expected. Using the website builder, you are able to create a website from scratch without having to deal with complex stuff, like programming or coding.
Instead, the users only need to input little details like the niche, colors, and other things while the system automatically builds the website according to request. And for the aspect of easiness, many users turn to Google site templates, which make the job way more convenient for them. As the base is already built, all they need is to make a customization and optimization. So if you find any hardships in designing a website, you can always depend on these builders.
Why Is it Important to Have a Strong Brand Identity?
Think about it like this. When seeing your brand, what would you want the people to envision? Do you want your brand to look simple and relatable? Or maybe you want to turn it into something exclusive that’s highly valuable?
The brand identity is a psychological, emotional, and visual representation of your brand’s values. How we can achieve a particular representation of a brand? By using some elements like logos, unique colors, typography, and more. The goal here is to not use all the creative elements, but only some of them in an appropriate portion to make a unique representation that’s not easily forgettable.
What Can We Use to Create a Strong Brand Identity?
As we’ve mentioned above, there are some things you can use to create a noticeable brand identity, such as:
Typography is a font you’d use as branding materials. Each brand has its own special typography, for example, Coca-Cola uses a specially made lettering style, Spencerian script, by Frank Mason Robinson.
However, some companies may refer to the most popular typography as well, like Helvetica, for example. The kind of letter you use should reflect the identity of the brand.
Use letters that can highly reflect the luxury of modernity if your brand wants to look more exclusive and expensive. For humbler and relevant brands, use the calmer ones.
The Color Choices
Color choices do matter in determining what kind of perspective you’d like to get from the people seeing the brand. According to studies, brand identification can be increased by using the proper colors. Color can affect up to 80% of a brand’s identity, which can affect how people think about the particular brand.
Color may have a serious impact on people’s perception. So, it’s highly recommended to identify what are the proper colors to be used for the brands that in line with the core values.
Additional Images
Images tell thousands of stories. When you’re developing a website, make sure that the images posted there can reflect what your business is all about. If your business sells toy products, put images that are related to them, like kids playing happily with the toys, or some images of parents and kids playing with toys together.
Do remember that you’re not only selling the products to be successful, you have to prepare the narrative. What makes your brand relatable to the users? What kind of unique value do you want to deliver to them? Show it by using the relevant imagery.
A Responsive Website
All of these things we’ve mentioned above will be meaningless if your website fails to deliver a good responsiveness. When visiting your website, consumers expect to be able to visit any part of it easily.
If they want to take a look at your products, the product list should be responsive enough to list all the available products for them to see. And when they want to pay for something, the website has to be able to accommodate them with a convenient system