11 Signs You Have a Weakened Immune System
Weakened Immune System: It is believed that a strong immune system can help to moderate or greatly reduce the intensity of the coronavirus. Apart from the coronavirus, the strong immune system helps the body to fight several diseases but also prevents it from getting sick many times.
That is, it helps the immune system to fight diseases and helps the body to recover quickly. But this system can be weak, less active, too active, or mistakenly attack the body. Immune system problems appear in the form of various symptoms, allergic reactions, or persistent disease.

11 Signs You Have a Weakened Immune System
- Eyes dry
Too much drying of the eyes can be a sign of immune system problems.
In Sjogren’s syndrome, the immune system tears the eyes of the eye, which can make the eyes dry, red, and can sense the presence of dust in the eyes.
Similarly, it can cause damage to the eyesight or the cornea.
2. Depression
Depression can also be a symptom of immune system problems, the weak immune system sends signals to cells called Cytokine.
As a result, there are chemicals that make the mood pleasant, but the good thing is that exercise can increase the level of these chemicals, reduce vomiting and reduce depression.
3. Skin rash
Psoriasis is the result of an allergic reaction, which means that your immune system has become very active.
In such a situation, the immune system invades skin cells with edema, resulting in red and painful grains.
4. Gastrointestinal problems
Gastrointestinal problems can also be a sign of immune system problems, cholera, stomach pain, stomach bloating, and unexplained body weight loss are signs of various gastrointestinal disorders, which is the result of a much more active immune system.
5. Hand to toe
Do your hands turn white or blue in cold moose? In such problems the hands and feet slow down the flow of blood due to the cold weather, which results in the skin feeling cold and changing color.
This is an autoimmune disorder which means that Thai ride gland has become less active due to the immune system.
6. Hair loss
Your immune system can attack hair roots and damage them, resulting in hair loss.
Gathering of plaque in other immune systems such as head sores can also lead to hair loss.
7. Sensitivity to sun
Immune system issues can make you very sensitive to sunlight. If you are affected by lupus, staying in the sunlight for a while also burns the skin easily.
8. Joints discomfort
Sudden joint discomfort, swelling, and tingling can be a symptom of joint disorders; this disease is the result of immune system problems in which joint tissues become edema.
9. Wound up late
If your immune system is slow, it will take too long to fill a minor wound. A healthy immune system fills the skin by reacting to a wound with lightning.
If your wound takes longer to heal, it could mean that the immune system is less active.
10. Every time facing illness
Often getting sick from a cold or flu can also be a sign of a weak immune system.
If you need ear infections 4 or more times a year, chronic nosebleeds or pneumonia 2 times a year, or antibiotics 2 or more times a year, this can be the result of a weak immune system.
11. Fatigue
Physical activity can often lead to fatigue, but such an experience can often occur even after sleep, so it can also result in a slow immune system.
Many times even a little chilly step in the room can be due to a much more active immune system that causes severe fatigue by stimulating the edema.