GCC Exchange crosses 10,000+ Facebook Fans! (www.facebook.com/gccexchange)

GCC Exchange continues its Social Media Leap, Attains 10,000 Followers on Facebook
GCC Exchange Facebook page has been a medium for informative updates about the company and its products and services. Our audience receives regular updates about all the interesting events happening in our online sphere and at various GCC Exchange branches across the globe.
A commitment to keep our audience engaged with daily currency rates, product announcements, promotions, contests etc.. continues to be the core reason for the growing Facebook community of GCC Exchange. We have time and again been overwhelmed by audience response. GCC Exchange will endeavour to bring only the best for them in the year ahead too! We thank our audience for the continuing support.
Have you visited our page yet? If you haven’t, you are missing what our 10,000 fans enjoy – the joy of being part of the exciting, vibrant community of GCC Exchange Facebook fans.
Please visit, like and join the effervescent online family. Log on to https://www.facebook.com/gccexchange