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4 Self-defense Techniques to Incorporate for Woman

The rising rate of crime signals to the growing need of self-defense for every individual. While women and children are often more vulnerable to the increasing crime, self- defense is applicable for every individual as you never know when you might need to defend yourself.

Now, before we proceed with some handy techniques that can help you to incorporate self-defense in your life, let’s address the issue of the false notion that self-defense is equal to violence.

Self defense does not foster violence, neither does it require you to have some rigorous training. Perhaps, by being alert and through common sense, you can easily overpower your attacker, irrespective of his strength or weight. Having said that, let’s move to our techniques:

It’s true that there’s a whole lot of self-defense techniques out there, but the above mentioned techniques can go a long way in helping  you to protect yourself. Likewise, always remember the ground rule, be alert and choose your fights wisely. In case, if you have an such creative self-defense techniques then feel free to share them with us!