GCC Exchange

Things to do on Your First Day of the Job!

Everyone has to join the office culture one day. Even your boss had a “first day at work”. But the thought of success and determination had not got the tensed self out of him. So why do you think it will be hard on your part? Seeing colleagues as friends, rather than competitors should be uplifted. You all have to work in the same office, in the same environment with the same kind of equipments. Thus, handling things will not get too hard if you talk about with your peers.

Here, I lay done some of the important tags that will keep you safe and sound through the first day at work:

  1. Do not be Late: Being late is almost a heinous crime on the first day at job. Be punctual. The “late” tag often indicates that you are not too serious about this job and that is something you do not want your boss to feel. Get out a bit early. Everyday traffic during office hours is tiring.
  2. Do not tense up. Smile and relax: They are all just humans. Be calm and composed. Your colleagues are meant to be your friends. So don’t shell in on them, talk and get to know your peers.
  3. Get to know your Co-workers: As I mentioned on the previous point, communication is a big thing in workspace. If you’re too introverted, you may either be seen as an easy competition or look to be too conceited. Do not go about with that plank on your back.
  4. Have a look around the office: You’re going to have to work in that environment so it’s better you get to have a good look about it. Walk around the place; know where the coffee machine or the lunch tables are. There are the places you will meet your friends. See about the office, this is the arena where the battle for promotion will take place.
  5. Try to know how the work process goes in: Knowing how the job is done in a particular workplace is important. Each and every office has their particular methods. Talking with your peers will help you to understand how the job is done. Now you have to apply your own formula to get yourself ahead.
  6. Have a strong, friendly vibe: If you are the new boss in the place, never be over assertive on the first day itself. This throws off a wrong impression to your subordinates. You have started from their place itself, so be someone who they will look up to. Having a joyous vibe has never hurt anyone.

Nowadays, the cell phone has become a mandatory body part of ours. Keeping that aside, in the silence mode, at least for a few office hours gives off an excellent impression. Have a professional behavior and strict body language. Do not try too hard, learn to be you amidst all. These pointers will save you.