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Ramadan Etiquette in Dubai – 7 Mistakes You Should Avoid

Ramadan Etiquette in Dubai

The holy month of Ramadan, also spelled as Ramazan, is the ninth month in the Islamic calendar.  Celebrated by the Muslims, it is the month of fasting. Observed as one of the five pillars of Islam, it generally lasts with the duration of 29 to 30 days. This timing varies in accordance in viewing of the crescent moon.

As the month of Ramadan is nearing about, this year it will start from 27th May till 24th June as of Umm al-Qura.

During this month, Muslims engage themselves in fasting or sawm, zakat and sadaqah which mean the alms gyiving, taraweeh prayers and reading the Quran. This month also calls for some refusing works. Stating down a few of them is:

  1. The biggest ritual is following the Sehri and Iftar timings: The morning food that is eaten before sunrise is known as Sehri and the evening food taken after sunset is known as Iftar. The timings are allotted in accordance to the movement and sightings of the moon. Following these timings and not eating in between should be strictly followed.
  2. Do not Engage in Negative Vibes: Connecting with people or going to place that will only lead to the negativeness of life should be exempted. Misbehaving, abusing or cause any kinds of both physical and mental harm should be barged away from.
  3. Smoking or Drinking Alcohol during the Ramadan Month is unholy: Any substance that is a way of addiction should be kept apart. Smoking cigarettes, drinking alcohol or any such drug usage should never be placed at a distance.
  4. You are not allowed to chew gums, or even drinking water throughout the time between sehri-iftar: Intake of water in any form that can even be in the form of gulping saliva is banned. Chewing gums that will cause the accumulation of saliva, and thus, result in a form of water intake is not allowed.
  5. Do not wear short clothes, or tight fittings robes in the mass or at work: Causing uneasiness because of wearing short or tight clothes in public or at workplace should be avoided. This causes discomfort not only to yourself but also to the people around you.
  6. Do no play loud music that will cause uproar: Never cause anything that will cause discomfort to the people around you. Playing loud music, going to nightclubs, going on a rampage that will make others uncomfortable should be avoided.
  7. Do not stop yourself in helping the needy with food and shelter: Ramadan is the month of forgiveness and sharing your happiness with others. Distributing food during the times of sehri and iftar, celebrating them with the needy will increase your side of cheerfulness.

Following these pointers will keep you in a state of rest and tranquility throughout the month of Ramadan and you will know that your prayers have been heard. Believing and keeping faith has never been unholy. It’s not that hard, everyone does it. You too can.