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5 Rules For Increasing Your Net Worth

What’s your financial plan? If you had asked me that question a couple of years ago, I’d likely smile and say: “I’ll leave that for tomorrow.” A dumb move.

If you do not have an effective personal finance plan, it’s likely that you won’t ever be rich. The typical young adult earns 40-$50k per year and has $20 to $40k in student loans.However, the highly successful millennial earns 7x higher than the regular one. This is also true for all age groups. The gap between those earning average and those who make more is massive.

Yes, it is crucial. It’s not just to boost your bank balance but for your professional development. As you grow and get more experienced, you’ll earn more. But it is time not to believe that the answer to our issues can be found in more funds. It is better to develop strategies that allow us better manage our money. This alone can help us break apart from the common income earners.

Desire Less

This is common sense: it takes longer to make money than to use it. You put in a lot of hours to earn some sum of cash. Then, you can invest it in an expensive car, a luxury vacation, a watch, or any other item you want.

We’re all aware of that, isn’t it? Yet, we spend money as if it’s not worth it. I’m sure this is what your dad probably said, however, the most effective method to increase your bank account size is not to use it all up.The old Stoics were aware of this as well. True freedom means you desire less.

Know the Economy’s Workings

What time does the interest rate typically rise? When does it decrease? How do bonds work? What’s inflation? When does inflation occur? What’s the nature of the market cycle?

What causes economies to fail? What’s debt? Who is the person who prints it? Why do they print money?

I could go on for a long time, but youl get the idea. It’s not necessary to be an expert in economics (I certainly don’t consider myself one). However, you might want to read a book, such as “A Random Step” down Wall Street by Burton Malkiel, it’s an excellent overview of how the market and investing function. You can also spend some time browsing Investopedia.com and figure out the answer to the above questions, or simply click here to learn more.

The idea is that having a basic understanding of how these things work can help prevent anxiety. “The market is down! What should you do?!” Panicking will not assist you.

Beware of Personal Debt

Personal debt can destroy your net worth in the same way as any other. To be precise, I don’t believe there’s an issue with borrowing money.

If you’re looking to establish an enterprise or make significant real estate transactions, it’s typically wise to borrow. But, it is crucial to be smart about borrowing money. Just like investing, there are rules for it.

One thing is certain: you should never make a loan to buy an automobile, electronic equipment, or any other item that decreases in value.

However, when it comes to more intricate things like creating a new business and making investments in real estate and even your educational plans, you should think carefully before entering into credit. Be aware that borrowing money isn’t completely free.

Save as Much As You Can

It’s obvious now. Having less desires, not going into debt, saving as much money as possible. Personal finance is referred to as personal due to fundamental reasons.

The way you manage your money is contingent on your personality, age, the place you live, your education or experience, etc. If you live in Manhattan, you are probably not able to afford an apartment. The cost is too high, and renting is more likely to be a better option.

A rental property is more common in cities with lower prices for real estate. In this situation, renting can be more expensive. Whatever you decide to do, ensure you have enough money to invest when you see an opportunity.

How much savings are sufficient? It’s up to you. What number will make you feel at ease?

Have a Long-Term Strategy

This article is aimed at those who aren’t looking to become professional traders or investors. We invest in the long run, not earning money now or within a year.

My strategy for investing is centered towards the future. However, I have to earn money today to pay my expenses. What do you do? This is your short-term plan.

My short-term strategy for money is built around developing my skills and making multiple income streams. I believe in my education, as I have realized that having more skills means higher earning potential – learned it after reading a post here.

Additionally, I don’t depend on a single big salary. Instead, I have numerous ways to earn value. That means less risk. If one stream of income ceases but you’ll have other income streams.