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Why use an SEO Plugin? And Best SEO Plugins for WordPress Which You Should Use

What is the best SEO plugins for WordPress? This is the question of almost all CMS users. This is an essential tool to improve the performance of websites, since the engineering of search engines consider speed a priority aspect for an incredible browsing experience.

Best SEO Plugins

What are the main SEO plugins for WordPress?

We selected some of the plugins with the best reviews on the Internet for SEO optimization. See now which is the best Winnipeg SEO plugin for your WordPress project.

1. Yoast SEO

Yoast SEO is one of the best and most used SEO plugins for WordPress on the market. The tool allows the user to add titles and descriptions of SEO to all posts and pages that integrate the site.

The plugin also:

2. SEOPress

SEOPress is another simple yet very powerful SEO plugin for WordPress. It includes all the known resources to maintain a good SEO strategy, such as title, meta description, support for open graphics, creation of XML maps, redirects, among others.

The tool has an intuitive interface that guarantees usability for novice owners, who start the site from scratch , and more experienced users. The premium version of the plugin is also more affordable than Yoast SEO, without leaving anything to be desired in the operationality of resources.

In addition, it is one of the plugins that follow the white hat guidelines and rules imposed by WordPress and search engines, it integrates easily with the CMS and can generate critical SEO meta tags in any language.

The tool also has a very interesting functionality: in the overview of the posts, the user finds the SEO guidelines to be followed color-coded.

Improvement suggestions appear as the mouse cursor moves across the page and displays, for example, when a title has no markup or when WordPress blocks indexing. See other plug-in features:

Why use an SEO plugin?

The speed is one of the most important factors that search engines determine the rankings of websites, blogs and e-commerce.

As WordPress is written in PHP, an open-source scripting language originally used for the development of server applications, when requesting the content of a page, the CMS executes the scripts in PHP and sends it to the server so that the request can be displayed. The server promptly executes the PHP code. When reading the commands, the system activates all the dynamic, functional and visual interface elements of the website. However, this process makes intensive use of system resources, which become increasingly slower as you need to run more scripts. Therefore, sites with a higher volume of elements naturally have a lower loading speed. This becomes even more critical when hosting is shared, as server resources are shared across multiple applications.

So, when a user visits a website a second time, they already receive the cached version. This eliminates the need for WordPress to run PHP scripts. The website becomes faster and the server becomes more responsive.