GCC Exchange

Few Ways of Turning Down a Job Offer in a Polite Manner

Nowadays, getting a job is not lesser than a tedious task. Unemployment is quite prevalent at the contemporarily. Job seeking candidates are unable to get the desirable jobs. But, when you finally got a job, then seize the offer without doing any hurry. However, at times you don’t feel like accepting a job offer. It could be because the office place is too far or perhaps you got a better paying job. What so ever may be the reason; turning off a job offer is a task!

Sometimes, it does not look polite and professional to verbally decline the offer. So, better write a formal letter to decline the offer. Before writing the letter keep six tips in mind:

  1. Be Prompt: As soon as you make the decision, call the recruiting manager and write your apology letter regarding declining the offer. You need to tell them that you will not be able to take the job, so the company needs to give that position to someone else and you do not want to delay the process.
  2. Be Courteous: May be at the present moment, you are not in a dire need of taking the job that has offered to you, but you might need some job opportunity in the future. Maintain good relations with the company. So, do not forget to thank those people who interviewed you. Do not forget them and their company to wish that they achieve the heights of success. Always remember in the corporate world there are chances that you would meet those people once again. Hence, be extremely courteous.
  3. Be Diplomatic: If you have received the better offer, then avoid mentioning about it. Let the hiring manager know that you are quite impressed by the firm, but you are accepting a position that is more advantageous for you and career goals. Being diplomatic at times work in our favor.
  4. Be Concise: Don’t write unnecessarily anything about discouraging the offer. Just keep your letter short and precise. The shorter, sweet and honest it is the easier it becomes to turn down the offer.
  5. Straight Forward –You should not bluff around. Instead, give them a call or drop a mail to inform them asap. They are no fools to believe your excuses. Hence, if you feel like turning down an offer simply convey it to them.
  6. Inform Personally: it is preferable to call the company and explain everything to the recruiting manager instead of waiting for them to take the follow back. Do not disconnect the call without completing the conversation; it might sound rude and unapologetic. A full conversation with gentle tone is all you to do. You can also write an e-mail to the company and tell them that you are not in the position to take the job. Do not forget to mention the valid reason that looks convincing.

So, above are the few things that you need to consider before rejecting the job offer. Politeness can do wonders. Be considerate towards them but don’t make anything inconvenient for yourself either.