GCC Exchange

Tips to Make Work-From-Home Effective and Productive

During COVID 19, working from home appeared as a lifesaver. It saved many people from losing their jobs and saved businesses from shutting down. However, working from home is not a cakewalk. Although it saves travel time to the office and reduces expenses, it demands a lot of dedication and discipline. People find it challenging to balance their work-life with personal life because these two often interfere with each other, and this disturbance can lose your focus and productivity. Here are a few outstanding tips to make your work from home more effective and productive.

  1. Fix a place as your office space

You can choose a separate room as your office spacebut, if you don’t have enough rooms in your house, select a particular corner in a room. And always work from the same room and on the same desk and chair. This will allow your brain to associate your office space with working and helps to maintain your focus.

You should decide your office hours and stick to them. Also, let everybody at your home know about your work hours so that they do not disturb you during that time. Engaging in chit-chat or other personal work would create chaos and make it difficult for you to meet the deadlines.

While working, if you will keep going to the kitchen to take water or some snacks when you are not on break, then you may get distracted from the job. It is better to keep water and snacks nearby you so that you can grab something to eat or drink without leaving your office space.

Use a planner to organize everyday work. Just as you fix a time for your work, you should also fix a time for your personal work. In this way, you will not mix the work and personal life and enjoy both of them simultaneously.

 You should politely tell your friends and family members that you cannot engage with them for a casual conversation or coffee during work time. For many, it is too difficult to tell their friends and family that you cannot reply or respond to them even when you are sitting in front of them, but to maintain discipline, you should request them to respect your workspace.

These few simple tips can bring effective and positive changes to your work-from-home routine. Working from home is a major and essential shift in the work environment, but you can easily sail through the challenges through sincere efforts.