GCC Exchange

Things to do When You are Left Alone on a Weekend

We all know the pain of being left alone on the weekends. Generally, the lump sum of time is spend during those two days of how cruel they have been on you. But have you ever realized how exciting it might get if you are actually left alone? Do all those deeds that you have been waiting on, for months.

Or maybe, follow these pointers to have a relaxing weekend alone:

  1. Walks or hikes: When is the last time you have taken time out for yourself to just stroll around the park, or packed your rucksack for a short trip? Long time, eh? So why not now? You’re alone in the house, having two days to yourself.
  2. Take yourself in a quiet coffee shop: Talking to yourself, learning and discovering a new you everyday is never ending and very mandatory. Now that you’re all you have for the weekend, take yourself to a coffee shop and ponder over your past deeds or your upcoming motos.
  3. Read your favorite novel: Finding time out for re-reading your favorite novel is hard, but opportunities like these come once in a while to make you realize how beautiful your choices are.
  4. Shop alone: No one to ponder over your shoulder about how tacky the dress looks, or how costly the skirt is on the rack, take yourself out on shopping. Spend a few extra bucks on looking good and feeling good has never put anyone down.
  5. Go for a TV show marathon: Remember that old James Bond series that you wanted to watch at a go? Why not do it now? I’m sure with no one around; you won’t mind laying down on the couch with a bowl of popcorn and non stop 007s on the screen.
  6. Yoga or exercise: We don’t always have the occasion to spend time everyday for exercising or going to the yoga classes that we must attend to. So this is the right opportunity to fulfill those duties.
  7. Cook: Feeding yourself has never felt better wit no one around. There is no one to check on the calories, or how messy you can be with that bowl of spaghetti on your lap. Hygiene is necessary, but you can clean up after the chaotic yet fun filled food session, right?
  8. Go visit that friend in the neighboring city: With work and family, you hardly got time to meet your best friend who stays so near, yet feels so far away. Take a trip to meet her family, go relax. It’s the weekends.
  9. Hot-water baths: You don’t have to work for two days. It’s the best time to relax and just wash yourself with the flow of the warm water, or dip your soul in the bathtub for a long while.

We get the opportunity to stay alone once in a while. Spending it the right way is necessary to have a peaceful yet exciting new week. Go ahead and try these methods!