There are many reasons why RAK Free Zone companies have become so appealing in recent times. Perhaps the most important involves the simple fact that enterprises are able to take advantage of the numerous tax benefits that such regions are able to provide. What does this marketplace have to offer and why should budding entrepreneurs work with the team at FreeZoneMarket?

Why Establish a Company in the RAKICC?
The Ras al Khaimah RAK Free Zone is one of the most productive and lucrative business hubs within the United Arab Emirates. In fact, the RAK is currently home to more than 50 niche sectors. It is therefore clear to see why the number of firms relocating to the RAKICC continues to increase. While the RAK is one of the cheapest Free Zones in the UAE, there are still important factors to take into account when starting any type of venture here.
Residency Issues
Whether referring to the DWC Free Zone, the Fujairah region or the DMCC Free Zone, legal residency is a critical concern. Not only will this impact the requirements of the entrepreneur in question, but it can often affect other family members such as spouses and children. When these issues are combined with obtaining a DED freelance license (a typical freelancer permit in Dubai), it becomes clear that obtaining a professional advice is often a wise choice.
Addressing Pertinent Business Concerns
Any enterprise operating within the DWTC, the RAK or other areas will obviously need to address logistical concerns. Notwithstanding obtaining valid visas, other issues such as auditing guidelines, banking procedures, accounting and tax obligations are important. The only possible issue here is that relocation can be slightly confusing. While obtaining the cheapest trade license in the UAE is desirable, the fact of the matter is that the associated benefits will never be realised if the correct procedures are not put in place.
Working with the Team at FreeZoneMarket
Our professionals have been providing quality and targeted advice to business owners throughout the United Arab Emirates since 2013 and we continue to excel in this ever-evolving field. We treat every client on a case-by-case basis and perhaps more importantly, we are well aware of the requirements associated with freelancers who wish to leverage the benefits of the RAK Free Zone.
Would you like to learn more about our services or do you have additional questions regarding how to obtain the cheapest free zone license in the UAE? If so, please take a moment to contact us directly. We will be more than happy to provide further assistance.