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Revolutionizing Real Estate in Dubai with Property Raptor’s Advanced CRM and WhatsApp Integration

Dubai is known for its incredible wealth and lifestyle opportunities, and that of course includes the real estate industry—a fast-paced, high-stakes and ever-evolving market. With properties easily going into the millions, it’s essential for real estate agents and agencies to stay up to date on technology and ensure that they’ve got the their finger one the pulse. Let’s check out the tools on the market that will make the buying and selling process a little bit simpler and a whole lot more streamlined for all involved.

Simplifying Life

Real estate agents are known to be on the go for the majority of the day, moving from business premises to their home office, and showing many houses to potential buyers in the meantime, while also liaising with sellers and trying to come to an agreement between all parties. Whether in meetings with investors or showing houses, an advanced real estate CRM system is going to help out a lot. In layman’s terms, a CRM tool is a customer relationship management (CRM) system that helps manage all communications with both leads and clients. It supports sales management, delivers actionable insights, integrates with social media and facilitates team communication. If you are a frequent traveler, taking business trips abroad, a cloud-based CRM systems offer complete mobility and access to an ecosystem of bespoke apps—a real revolution.

Since the property prices in Dubai are extremely high, meaning that an agent’s commission might be able to cover a small apartment in the country, no estate agent is going to want to miss out on a sale, which can unfortunately happen if their data is not topical and they don’t communicate with both their buyers and sellers. Buyers sometimes make decisions on purchasing a house or commercial property based on their gut feeling and how the agent presents themselves, especially if it’s Dubai and money may not be a big issue. Agents should strive to have all the information that parties may ask on hand. These aspects are made easier and almost guaranteed with property management software.

Let’s Chat

No one can be in more than one place at once, highlighting how vital it is to manage and foster relationships between buyers, sellers, agents, brokers and developers. Keeping in contact and maintaining relationships is absolutely essential, as is keeping up with tech and popular communication channels through seamless WhatsApp integration. There’s nothing worse than not being able to get ahold of an agent when a buyer has a question, or not being available on the channels that a specific client uses. CRM systems are fantastic for communication, but they also have added features; from managing incoming requests and preparing price quotes, to selling commercial real estate and property management, a CRM system will address and take care of the end-to-end process behind the scenes, so that you can focus on what’s really important—the client.

Everything in One Place

Plenty of information, data, numbers and square meter requirements are going to be thrown around at every single viewing or showing. How is one supposed to remember this crucial information? If stored and processed properly and in a timely manner in your CRM system, no client will ever feel like they’ve been overlooked or forgotten, a consequence that estate agents should avoid at all costs. There is so much admin going on behind the scenes, which can be simplified and streamlined so that your entire team is up to date and knows what’s going on at all times.

Dubai is buzzing with investors and tourists flocking in by the thousands, including an influx of digital nomads looking for a warmer place to work. There’s something about the affluence and, of course, the wonderful weather that is bringing so many interested parties to the UAE. While this increase in buyers is fantastic, real estate agents will have tens or even hundreds of listings at one time, many of which are not sole mandates, meaning that other agents also have the go-ahead from the seller to try and sell the property. Dubai property management is currently a big business, incorporating real estate technology into what some may call ordinary homes. The saying, it takes a village, rings true when it comes to the property market, as one agent alone may struggle to service all of their clients. A team is required here, one that works efficiently and has all the information that you do. A CRM system makes it possible to add details as soon as you leave a listing or have a meeting with a buyer, providing much-needed information to all parties.

It’s a Balancing Act

Managing life in general is tough, from a busy work life to caring for family, managing property, staying healthy and hitting the gym. Why not take advantage of tools that are offered to you? Some CRM systems, like Property Raptor, have special features and allow for WhatsApp business integration, a beautiful way to make your work life run smoothly, allowing you to focus on other things, too. While real estate CRM systems may initially be a bit challenging to get into, the time spent on the set-up steps is well worth it in the long run and you’ll be grateful that you invested in your future. As the saying goes, the key to finding a happy balance in modern life is simplicity.