GCC Exchange

New Laws that will Help You Grow Your Business in UAE

Now it is the best time for those who are planning to set up their business operations in Dubai as because Dubai has come up with some new investment laws.

Currently, the situation over there is that if any foreign investor wants to form a local company or LLC in Dubai, then the current investment law allows them only to own up to 49% of the company whereas 51% of the company’s ownership goes to the government/the UAE Nationals. But it is seen that by the first quarter of 2018 Dubai would have been already and forced its new laws. Hence side kicking the restricted limits of the foreign investors.

The new law may help the country very well as it is going to give the foreign investors complete ownership which is 100% meaning that the government will not be ruling the investor’s company anymore. It can be said that the companies will be having full control over itself and it is anticipated that the non-oil- sectors will be benefiting much more in comparison to other sectors. It is assumed that this law would change most of the situation of foreign investment radically.

Due to this new investment law in Dubai which will be enforced the investors may enjoy many benefits such as complete ownership in opening a retail business in the famous malls of the UAE and not in only that in many other commercial activities. As the restrictions will be erased so for the owners the benefits will be doubled as they will be having complete control over their business so no over unnecessary profit sharing with the government and no restricted limits will be given to them. As per GCC, there will be a duty-free trade within the Gulf. The foreign investors may enjoy higher returns or profits as because of the decreased administration cost and much more as a foreign citizen of UAE.

It is said that the law will be enforced in the beginning of the 2018 so as a foreign investor it is advised that may it be a new startup or established business the person is advised that if he or she wants to start their business in Dubai then they should properly know the place and its other laws so that they won’t face any hiccups when forming there or processing their business. It is beneficiary for the Businessman to get tax advisory, accounting assistance, knowledge of exceptional company formation.