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How to deal with mental anxiety in the present pandemic?

Thriving amongst a distressed situation of quarantine, at some point, we all have experienced the anxiety being stuck. The constant fear of rising Covid-19 cases has further nurtured a negative environment around us. To top it off, irregular sleep cycles, disrupted work routines, company layoffs pressure and personal issues have all worsen the situation. As a result, the feeling of helplessness due to prolonged uncertainty has certainly taken a toll on our mental health.

Thus, understanding the gravity of this issue, hereby, we present to you some practical guidelines for your mental wellbeing. By practicing these simple tips, you will easily be able to deal with the anxiety that you are experiencing presently.  

Re-set your routine: Routine establishes a sense of control and reduces the feeling of helplessness. Therefore, try to get back in your routine by setting up structured work schedules and proper sleep timings. While it might be difficult in the beginning but once your body adapts to the routine, you will start noticing positive changes in your lifestyle.

Connect Virtually: If you are staying away from your loved ones, then this is the best option for you. Utilize digital technology like texting and video calls to stay connected with your loved ones. Staying connected will eliminate the feeling of loneliness. Likewise, the virtual socializing with your loved ones will prove helpful to cheer you up.

Try something new: Since stepping out is not the option, try to engage yourself in learning something new and productive. Such positive engagement will not just polish your creative thinking but it will foster a sense of achievement which is sure to bring back the lost positivity and hope in your life.

Find the Positivity: While this is easier said than done but it’s the only the best possible solution to break the wheel of your negative thoughts. Try to focus on the brighter side of this lockdown. For instance, think about the opportunity to spend quality time with your family or how about enrolling for the guitar class that you always wanted to learn. 

Focus on your Mental Health: When it comes to mental health, nothing beats the power of meditation. Squeeze in a meditation time in your work schedule and practice this art of relaxing your mind and body. Breathe in positivity and breathe out all the negative thoughts. If you are a beginner, then you can enroll for online meditation workshops.

Having said that, we hope our techniques reduce the onus of mental distress. However, if your anxiety persists then go ahead and seek professional assistance. There is no shame in reaching out to doctors or counsellors for your mental health well-being.

Likewise, if you feel we have missed out on any guidelines, then feel free to share them with us.