GCC Exchange

GCC Exchange reaches new milestone of 50,000 Facebook Fans!

GCC Exchange 50,000 Facebook Likes

GCC Exchange has carved another social media milestone. Our Facebook profile has cut across geographical borders to reach people of different nationalities and languages with its engaging Facebook activities.

We now have 50, 000 fans on Facebook!

GCC Exchange, a leading name in global money transfer, foreign exchange and payment solution for individuals and businesses, has been very active on Facebook. Our Facebook page also carries interesting information on leading financial and travel topics. Many fans, including travellers, expats, students, etc., find helpful tips on managing their money, making travel easier, overcoming challenges abroad, and more, on our Facebook page.

With interesting and helpful content, and exciting rewards, our Facebook page continues to deliver value to its fans and build a strong value-based community. We thank all our fans who have made it possible for us to reach the 50, 000 milestone.

Special video has been created to thank our loyal and active fans:

Click here for Video

Click here for Facebook Page