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How to Fake Confidence with Your Body Language

How to Fake Confidence with Your Body Language

Confidence is making yourself pretty comfortable and assured that you know the things very well. Your body language can easily tell a person whether you are confident enough or not. Many do have a great confidence level, making the things go easier. There are some people who lack confidence because of which either they do not participate in activities or are even afraid to go out from their house.

Confidence shows your positive side of your personality. If you are confident enough to take the things forward, everyone will admire you. People get attracted to those who have an impressive body language along with a great confidence level. Everyone would love to talk to such a person who makes others comfortable in their company.

For those, who are still afraid and do not have confidence, need not worry because the good news is that you can actually fake it with your body language. I will tell you some interesting ways through which you can fake confidence, even when you are not, have a look,

1 – Always make an eye contact

When having a conversation with someone, always try to make an eye contact with him. This gives a positive impression to your body language and the other people know you are listening to them. Making eye contact with people is the best way you can fake your confidence with.

2 – Improve your dress- up

Your dress up reveals all about you. If you don’t know you how to dress up, take help from the internet. When you look good, people appreciate you and that’s where you are showing your confidence. Fake it with dressing like a star.

3 – Sit straight with your chin up

Try to always sit straight rather leaning down. Your posture shows your level of confidence and remember sitting or standing straight shows your interest towards the person talking. Don’t show you to be lazy, rather sit straight and be active.

4 – Keep Smiling

Relax, smile and laugh when someone tells you something funny. Also, smiling gives a positive vibe to the person you are talking with. Your confidence level can easily be judged if you are funny and witty.

5 – Be Interactive

Be connected to whomever you are talking. Listen to them carefully, answer back actively. Your interaction level with others will show your level of confidence.

6 – Use your hands while talking

Using your hands while talking shows that you know things and responding them back with full confidence. Your movement of hands is important while faking confidence.

7 – Appreciate Others

You should always appreciate the good which marks an impact on you. Appreciating others will let them know that you are paying attention to them to which they will respond back. Fake up your confidence by doing this and let them know their value in your life.

There’s only one thing you all should remember and try which is, ‘fake it and make it’. People will only see what you will show to them. Show the world what you are while faking confidence through your body language.