GCC Exchange

Consulate to launch new app for Indian expats in UAE!

CGI Dubai

‘CGI Dubai’ app to be launched on Republic Day.

'CGI Dubai' app to be launched on Republic Day.

Indian expatriates in Dubai and Northern Emirates will soon be able to fix appointments with consular officials through a revamped mobile app.

The app is set to be unveiled on the sidelines of 67th Indian Republic Day celebrations.

The Indian Consulate in Dubai had launched a mobile app named “CGI Dubai” last year during the 146th birth anniversary of the Father of the Nation, Mahatma Gandhi, on October 2.

At a Press conference held on Tuesday to announce this year’s Republic Day celebrations, Anurag Bhushan, the Consul-General of India for Dubai and Northern Emirates, said the mission has scrapped the “passive” first version and is re-launching it.

It will now have facilities for taking appointments with the consulate officials for visa or passport services, he said.

“The app has been received well.but we want to make it more sophisticated,” he said.

He said the SOS feature would remain as a highlight through which workers in distress can seek help through a free call. The call will connect any Indian in distress to the 24×7 helpline of the Indian Workers Resource Centre that will address the issue.

The new version will have geo-tagging facility and the beta version will be made available by the Indian Republic Day, he said.

Source: KhaleejTimes