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9 Brain Boosting Foods To Eat For A Sharper Memory

Brain Boosting Foods : Believe it or not, the food you eat has a massive impact on your body as well as mind. To keep your brain in a peak working condition, you have to give it the necessary fuel that it needs. A brain-boosting diet plays an important role in improving your memory as well as concentration. You can replenish the lack of sleep or genetics or the level of physical activity and lifestyle and environmental factors that originally leads to forgetfulness through a proper diet. Research has shown that the best brain foods are more or like the same that protect your heart and blood vessels and include the following:

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  1. Blueberries: Dark-coloured fruits, especially the ones with red and blue pigmentation such as blueberries, are rich in antioxidants which improve short term memory, motor skills and help the brain focus more.
  2. Fatty fish: Fatty fishes are a good source of omega-3 fatty acids which helps cognitive concentration. To receive enough omega-3, try to eat fishes like salmon, cod, canned light tuna, and Pollack twice a week preferably cooked on low heat instead of frying.
  3. Nuts: Nuts, a rich source of vitamin E helps your brain to retain more than normal, improve cognition reduce risk of Alzheimer’s disease. Snack on a handful of nuts like almonds, hazelnuts and above all walnuts every day to keep your brain sharp.
  4. Eggs: Eggs are rich in vitamins B6 and B12, folate and choline, out of which the last nutrient helps, regulate mood and memory. Embrace those bright, round yolks rich in several minerals and vitamins, such as vitamins A, D, E and K. make an omelette pairing with spinach, tomatoes and onion or consume it hard-boiled with sliced veggies and hummus as a portable snack.
  5. Coffee: If you already kick start your day with a coffee then don’t worry you already have one of the important brain-foods in your diet. Drinking coffee over a longer period reduces the risk of Alzheimer’s. Caffeine helps in solidifying new memories, also increases the brain’s capacity for processing information.
  6. Dark chocolate: Dark chocolates especially the cocoa present in it are packed with brain-boosting compounds, like flavonoids, caffeine and antioxidants. Flavonoids gather in the areas of the brain that deal with memory. Keep aside the regular milky chocolates and pick up the bitter chocolate that contains at least 70 per cent cocoa.
  7. Green leafed vegetables: Plant-based foods like a garden rocket, spinach, broccoli, dill, kale, and parsley, are rich in vitamins A and K, vitamin C and fibres, may help slow cognitive decline.
  8. Whole grains: The glucose that we derive from the intake of whole grains enhances the ability to concentrate and focus. Opt for wholegrains with a low-GI, like ‘brown’ wholegrain cereals, granary bread, rice and pasta which release glucose slowly into the bloodstream, keeping you mentally alert throughout the day.
  9. Turmeric: The active ingredient in turmeric, curcumin, may help improve memory in people with Alzheimer’s. To activate the curcumin, expose the turmeric to low heat inside olive oil. For example, season your vegetables and meat with olive oil and turmeric.