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8 Steps to get rid of a Bad Habit

Facing the fact that we all bear bad habits is not difficult. Ranging from chewing nails, cracking knuckles to hardcore drug intake and being a chain smoker, all fall under the same category. Intensity of a bad habit can shift, but it is still a bad habit.
Choosing a life style that helps you to overcome such a habit is vital. That way, none of the daily chores can be hampered and also at the same time, you can free yourself from the shackles. Some of the tips for letting go of such a wrong doing are as follows:

  1. Pointing out the bad habit yourself: Self realization is the greatest. It is the most importance stance and teaching yourself to point out what exactly is wrong is an important duty. Even if it is time consuming, we all need to keep a little time for ourselves, don’t we?
  2. Rewarding you with greater goods: Setting a reward for not committing the bad habit is important. Not only does that give you a sense of pride, but also when you are able to overcome the wrong doings, you get to treat yourself!
  3. Replacing it: Replacing should always be an option. Try doing something better and less harmful during the course that calls for an addiction. Leading chain smoker? Why not replace the tobacco with E-cigarettes. Heavy drinker? Why not drink knowledge out of books?
  4. Letting your mates help: Talking about bad habits for getting rid of them with your friends and family is crucial. Falling into places that might call for such incidences where peer pressure or self-pressure should be avoided. Partying with college mates, where they will drink? Why not go there and get some juice for yourself.
  5. Commitments: Commit to someone that you won’t drink. Or smoke. Setting an emotional attachment to habits is a set back. But we all know, attachments to people are tougher than addictions.
  6. Money Matter: Addictions like drug usage and heavy drinking call for a huge spent of money. People find themselves in debts from friends. A close check on such a matter is an important way to stopping yourself. Why not get some great books with that same money? It won’t harm your health that way.
  7. Long term issues: Addictions mainly lead to acute issues. Smoking, drinking, drugs etc. all affect your health is a very wrong way. Even when you know it does so, you still do it. But if you committed enough, leaving such matters won’t be a hard decision to take. At the end, family and health do matter.
  8. Mental Peace: The satisfaction that arrives when you know you have finally gotten over your addiction is heavenly. Apart from boosting your self confidence, it also affects your physical health for a better tomorrow.

At the end of the day, letting go of something that hampers with both the physical and the mental health is beautiful.