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8 Common Questions which are definitely asked at a job interview

Job Interview Tips

An interview consisting of a conversation between a job applicant and a representative of a company who is looking to hire is called a job interview. It is conducted to evaluate whether the job applicant should be hired or not. The job interview process is the most important process used for the selection of employees. Job interviews are of two types. Structured Interviews and Unstructured Interviews. Structured Interviews are the one where the applicant is asked multiple predetermined list of questions. Unstructured Interviews are the ones where the applicant is asked free-wheeling questions and is more breezy.

Job interviews are one of the most crucial parts of our lives. It increases our speaking ability and capacity in front of other people. Job interviews are usually very intimidating. Everyone has a specific way of handling an interview. Some people are better at handling interviews because they are generally more confident within themselves. Others usually lose their calm during an interview and end up blowing it. That is the reason why you should be prepared for the interview beforehand by having an idea about the questions that might be asked. There are certain questions that are always asked in interviews. Before attending an interview, we should form an idea about those.

8 questions to definitely ask at a job interview are:

1.    So Tell Me A About Yourself.

This question seems really simple and easy but often most people fail to answer this question with ease even though this is one of the very crucial questions. When answering this question, we shouldn’t give out our total employment history or personal history. Instead, we should give a little summary of your skills and talents which shows them why we are the right pick for the job.

2.    What Do You Know About the Company?

Any applicant is capable of knowing and learning about the company on it’s about page. So when interviewers ask us this, they are not trying to understand whether we understand the work or mission of the company, but they are trying to understand whether we care enough to work for the company or not. So, we should say things accordingly which makes us look like we are really passionate about working at the company.

3.    How Did You Hear About This Position?

This is again one of the very crucial questions that need to be answered properly. Through this question, we should be able to show our passion and interest in the company. If we found out about the company through a billboard or their website or article, then share that with the interviewers to show them your interest in the company.

4.    Why Do You Want This Job?

Companies want to hire employees who are passionate about the job and the company so we should be able to answer this question with ease and skills to make them feel like we are interested in. This again is one of the most important questions asked at a job interview. We should be able to show the interviewers that we are the perfect choice for the job.

5.    Why Should We Hire You?

This is a very forward yet intimidating question at the same time. This is the go-to question for interviewees to showcase their skills to sell themselves to the interviewers. If your answer to this question is perfect and to the point, this question might end up getting you employed.

6.    What Are Your Greatest Professional Strengths?

While answering this question we should be accurate, specific and relevant. We should share with the interviewers the fields we are strong in, the things we are capable of doing, and what we will be able to give to the company. We should be able to showcase ourselves as talented and skilled in certain fields.

7.    What Are Your Weaknesses?

This is one of the very tricky questions. Through this question, the interviewers are trying to understand what and what not we are capable of doing. We should be truthful while answering this question but at the same time we need to assure them about the fact that we are working on our weaknesses to get better. This, in turn, will make the company feel safe.

8.    What Are Your Ways to Deal with Challenges?

The interviewers ask us this question to acquire an idea about how we deal with problems, challenges or conflicts. We should be very careful while answering this question. We should be able to explain to the company how good we are with challenges and how we handle them. We should be able to make them feel safe with us on board.