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8 Benefits of Surya Namaskar

Surya namaskar which is also commonly known as Sun salutation in english is a yogic practice that incorporates a flow sequence of 12 asanas in a fixed order. These 12 asanas include Pranamasana, Hastauttanasana, Padahastasana, Ashwa sanchalanasana, Parvatasana, Dandasana, Ashtanga Namaskar, Bhujangasana, and then again Parvatasana, Ashwa sanchalanasana, Padahastasana, Hastauttanasana.

During Surya Namaskar, you should adequately practice rhythmic breathing to enhance its benefits. In addition, you should wear comfortable clothes for practicing Surya Namaskar to receive maximum benefits. Too tight or baggy clothing may hinder the performance and irritate you.

It is not mandatory to practice Sun Salutation during the daytime. Its benefits include:

  1. Treats anxiety: Practicing Surya Namaskar regularly relieves you from mental anxiety and calms your mind. It also improves your memory and the functioning of the nervous system. In addition, it improves the activity of endocrine glands, which is good for people with thyroid problems.
  2. Detox your body:  Surya Namaskar allows proper ventilation of the lungs by maintaining an efficient inhalation and exhalation process. This helps in detoxifying the body by eliminating carbon dioxide and other toxic gases from your system.
  3. Cures insomnia:  Surya Namaskar relaxes and calms your mind and allows you to enjoy a peaceful and sound sleep because a night of good sleep is vital for your physical and mental health.
  4. Regulates blood sugar level: Practicing Surya Namaskar daily keeps your blood sugar levels regulated and prevents you from various dangerous diseases.
  5. Improves digestion: Surya Namaskar increases the blood flow to the digestive tract and ensures better intestine functioning, leading to better bowel movements. In addition, the forward poses help to relieve trapped gas from your system.
  6. Weight loss:  If you perform Surya Namaskar at a higher pace, it acts as a good cardio exercise that reduces your weight. Furthermore, it improves your metabolism and the postures that stretch your abdominal muscles, allows you to lose the extra weight around your belly.
  7. Better skin:  Surya Namaskar increases the blood circulation in your entire body, which gives your skin a radiant glow. It also helps in preventing the early signs of aging and keeps your skin tight and healthy for longer.
  8. Regulates menstrual cycle: Practicing Surya Namaskar regularly regulates the menstrual cycle and also improves reproductive health. For example, it strengthens the abdominal muscles and reduces pain during periods. It also eases the childbirth process and is conducive to natural delivery.