GCC Exchange

10 Things to Remember if You are Travelling to Dubai

Travelling to Dubai

Travelling to Dubai: Dubai is one of the cities which is on the bucket list of every single person. There are lots to see and experience at this place but like every other country, you need to know few things before you visit there. Some might get you in trouble and you might get deported as well. Here are 10 things to remember if you are traveling to Dubai.

  1. Choose the month of traveling wisely as heat will be unbearable, especially for people who live in the colder hemisphere. So make sure you pack clothes accordingly to the heat.
  2. Avoid the month of Ramadan. It’s month of fast and there will be no open restaurant during the day apart from some, you cannot even drink or eat in public space and you have to eat in your room for that.
  3. There are lots of rumors about Dubai being a dry state, no it’s There are many licensed restaurants which sell alcohol. Almost every hotel has the license for alcohol, so you don’t need to worry about that.
  4. Despite being known for a strict rule on wearing clothes, Dubai is forward minded. You can wear jeans and t-shirts everywhere. You can even wear a bikini on the beaches. However, whenever you visit any religious site, you need to wear clothes accordingly. Women need to cover their heads and cover their knees as well, so no shorts.
  5. Unlike other cities, Dubai is strict about expressing affection towards another person. You cannot kiss, or hold a hand or touching inappositely. It will cause a series fine.
  6. People always avoid Dubai for being very expensive. You don’t need to be a millionaire to visit this city. Just like every other place, you can find a decent place and result to eat n your budget. Taxes with meters are far cheaper than western countries and metros can get you anywhere, so you can use the metro as well.
  7. Weekends in Dubai are Friday and Saturday, so you will find an ocean of people filling out the malls and public places on those days. most shops are closed in the Friday afternoon for prayer, plan accordingly.
  8. There are few things you need to know which save you lots of trouble. No fight in public or swearing is tolerated, you will be deported. No chew gum or smoking allowed in public transportation, you will get heavily No taking pictures of any person without asking permission, otherwise, yes, deported.
  9. Dubai is one of the safest cities in the world. They have top of the line police cars like Ferrari and Lamborghini to chase down anyone. you can roam around in the middle of the night without any worries.
  10. Don’t forget to enjoy Dubai’s nightlife. This city turns to something else entirely after sunset and you would enjoy the partying and shopping even in the midnight and yes, don’t forget to bring your universal charger as well.

Despite being some of the harsh rules, if you don’t try to make any trouble, you can enjoy your stay in Dubai. Remember, it’s more than just shopping and sightseeing, it’s about the experience which will be much better once you know few things before visiting Dubai.